About Me

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Leeds, United Kingdom
I am studying the MA Advertising and Design, and have completed the BA Art & Design, also at the University of Leeds. With my work shown below, I had been exploring the properties of light, and the colours and shapes and forms which can arise through manipulating it. I explored this through the use of many different painting techniques, and I am currently exploring surface texture, and alternative techniques to applying the paint to the surfaces, ie. I avoided using paint brushes and prefer to work directly from the paint tube, or roll or press the object onto and into the paint, getting as involved in the creaton of a piece as I can. My work therefore takes on creation and a design through physical process. I have made studies of fire flickering, candles moved around a camera on a low shutter speed, fireworks exploding and laser projections.

Tuesday, 8 December 2009

All That Glitters...

Here (at last), is my 1 minute Film for my Digital Media project :)

Entitled 'All That Glitters' (Is Not Gold), the story is based upon the moral 'Never Judge a Book by its Cover' (a variant of the previous phrase) and follows a homeless man, who isn't actually homeless, who spends the change given to him at the pub on pints!

I had a lot of fun making this film, and a BIG thankyou to everyone who helped me with this- you all know who you are :D

But for others who don't- BIG thankyou to Joe, Simon, Nic, Amber, Seb and Adam for helping creae this film- couldn't have done it without you guys :D

Hope you enjoy the film! :D

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