About Me

My photo
Leeds, United Kingdom
I am studying the MA Advertising and Design, and have completed the BA Art & Design, also at the University of Leeds. With my work shown below, I had been exploring the properties of light, and the colours and shapes and forms which can arise through manipulating it. I explored this through the use of many different painting techniques, and I am currently exploring surface texture, and alternative techniques to applying the paint to the surfaces, ie. I avoided using paint brushes and prefer to work directly from the paint tube, or roll or press the object onto and into the paint, getting as involved in the creaton of a piece as I can. My work therefore takes on creation and a design through physical process. I have made studies of fire flickering, candles moved around a camera on a low shutter speed, fireworks exploding and laser projections.

Monday, 30 November 2009

Royksopp Forever!!

Hello again!
I've been very bad and not been able to update my blog in a while! Sincerest apologies. The Semester is drawing to a close and I have been very busy trying to finish numerous projects, but I will be updating much more often from now.
I thought I would submit something unrelated to my work for a change. At the beginning of November (seems like a long time ago now!), My boyfriend and I were lucky enough to go see our all-time favourite band at my Union; the Norwegian duo Royksopp! We've seen them play before at the Ether Festival in London during Easter, so it was great to see them at a more intimate venue.
It was an absolutely amazing night, with them playing our old favourites (such as Remind Me, Poor Leno), buzzing songs from their current album 'Junior' (Happy Up Here, Girl & the Robot, as sung on the album by Robin), and we were lucky enough to hear a new song from their new album 'Senior', as yet unreleased.
I got some great pictures of them playing, and after the gig we bumped into their bass player! Who promised to pass on the message to the duo how much we enjoyed the night and loved them and their work :D!
I thoroughly recommend anyone to listen to Royksopp. In fact, go on Youtube and look them up NOW! I promise you, you won't be disappointed... :) Enjoy my photos of them!

The beginning of the night- Happy Up Here
Royksopp Forever!

Anneli Drecker, singing 'What Else Is There'

Royksopp having a bit of banter inbetween songs
Anneli Drecker, singing 'Tricky Tricky'

Miss It So Much

Vision One

Girl and the Robot (above and below)

You Don't Have a Clue

The bass player, who my boyfriend and I met after the gig :D

The Finale- Eple

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